ALL 2025 Crop Circle CalendarS SOLD! 
A 2026 Calendar will be available to order in October 2025


Chet SNOW,   Mass Dreams of the Future (trade paperback book)
Special Sale:    $10.00, Plus shipping in USA Only

I will autograph a copy - indicate to Whom

Mass Dreams Boutique Order Form - [PRINT, then fill in by hand]
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Shipping in USA ADD: $7.50 for Each Item S&H
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NO Credit Card Orders - We only accept PAY PAL - E-mail chet-snow  & I will e-mail you an Invoice to pay.

Checks - make payable to: "Dr. Chet Snow."  Mail to Dr. Chet Snow at PO Box 1738, Sedona AZ 86339.   [2024-2025]